
Lindenwood MidSummer Masque
June 15, 2002

Here are some pictures of the decorations we created for the Society of Creative Anachronism's Canton of Lindenwood's Midsummer Masque Ball. I ran the event and Mistress Branwyn was in charge of creating the decorations. For many months before the event, Branwyn, myself, and Saqra would gather in Saqra's garage and paint tapestries or the standing stones.

The theme of the event was a walk on the ancient isle of Ireland and so the tapestries reflect scenes from the landscape and legends of Ireland.

lw-hall3.JPG (36296 bytes) The Front of the Hall (North)
These are 9x8 Tapestries
lw-house.JPG (37841 bytes) lw-main.JPG (36510 bytes) lw-ring.JPG (33764 bytes)

lw-side2.JPG (42234 bytes) The West Side
These are 5x5 Tapestries
lw-stones-sun.JPG (28012 bytes) lw-stone1.JPG (29319 bytes) lw-road.JPG (39177 bytes) lw-road-sun.JPG (41711 bytes) lw-sea.JPG (47994 bytes)

lw-side1.JPG (39456 bytes) The East Side
These are 5x5 Tapestries
lw-brigit.JPG (52422 bytes) lw-river.JPG (47363 bytes) lw-home.JPG (46403 bytes) lw-lake.JPG (39460 bytes) lw-giants.JPG (35768 bytes)

lw-back-of-hall.JPG (31438 bytes) lw-sky.JPG (30743 bytes) The Back of the Hall (South)
This is a 15x6 Tapestry

lw-tum.JPG (38995 bytes) lw-peg-mat.JPG (47017 bytes) lw-mat.JPG (158044 bytes) The Cave Cover (There's a cave behind the Painting)

2 Painted Mats

lw-len2.JPG (25167 bytes) lw-lentil.JPG (51629 bytes) lw-len1.JPG (32557 bytes) The Stones

These are carved and painted from foam blocks.


At the Top is the a Lentil Doorway

At the Bottom are standing stones and a stone Cross.

lw-stone2.JPG (23468 bytes) lw-stand1.JPG (22903 bytes) lw-cross2.JPG (32331 bytes)